Tuesday 24 September 2013

Going Once...Going Twice....Sold!

Now, in the world of advertising, Google Analytics isn't the most exciting topic for many people. Myself included. If I could go the rest of my life without writing code, creating keywords, or just staring at a computer screen in general, I would. But unfortunately for me, I think Google will someday inherit the earth and these things are something I need to master.

So let’s talk about Default Bids! Boring you might say, but very relevant.

Google describes Default Bids as:

"A bid amount that applies to all of the keywords and placements in your ad group that don't have individual bids. This bid sets the maximum amount that you're willing to pay for each click on your ad for any keyword and placement without its own bid."

That's quite an earful if ever I heard one! But once you get past the technical mumbo jumbo and internet garble, the concept isn't all that complicated!

Default Bids are simply the amount you wish to pay for every click on your ad for any keyword used.

Say you were selling flowers and your keywords included; roses, bouquets and floral arrangements.
Each of these keywords could have a bid (the amount you want to pay per click) based on its estimated importance.

You could be willing to pay 20 cents for the keyword Roses, 50 cents for Bouquets and 35 cents for Floral Arrangements. But the Default Bid is what you're willing to pay for any keywords that don't have a set bid.

Its a default.

Simple enough right?

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